Love will fool you... love can kill you... Love is both a many splendoured thing and a royal PITA, not necessarily in that order, as everyone who's been On a Monday morning... You know the old saw about the mechanic driving the smoke-belching, beat up, barely running car... As a database guy Someday, baby, this will all be washed away... Sometimes you just see how it's all going to go down. You look and look and no matter how you A Thousand Lies (Bridge to Nowhere) NEW SONG ALERT! The best liars don't really need a reason. They're glib. They're creative. They enjoy lying. They're not Dog years and lunar days... NEW SONG ALERT! A song a day... that was the concept. Yep. A song a day for a year, newly "He wrote some good little songs..." Gotchya. No... not dead yet. Although regular readers may be forgiven for expecting that the next writing filling this space Suns explode and worlds collide... Stuff happens. No matter how meticulously you plan, how many contingencies you try to cover, how much you practice and Mystery Trip When I posted an earlier version of this song only a few posts back, I'd meant to add America Redux Special Holiday Encore 0riginally posted October 15, 2007 Preachin' democracy... It's still preachin'. With all that entails. Maybe it's because Wallowing again... Scrapin' the Bottom of Yesterday's Bucket Again Well I'm scraping the bottom of yesterday's bucket again I wore out my « Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 42 Next »