Okay... as promised, here's a song that recombines verses from yesterday's Blue Recollection with a similarly themed set
I wake up at nite but it ain't because of you Oh yeah I wake up at nite but it
Though totally different in musical feel, today's song mirrors yesterday's in some ways. The music is darkly funky (or aspires
Breaking up... sometimes it's hard to do, sure. Still, often enough, it produces a grim satisfaction. Like finally getting around
I did go to a high school prom in my dad's Cadillac but, unlike the guy in this song, I
Okay... this song is... well, stupid. And I don't mean "good" stupid. I was a hippie kid and went barefoot
I don't exactly believe in reincarnation (the way most people think of it) but I've always been fascinated by the
This song from 1973 used to drive one of my frequent music playing buddies absolutely nuts. It was written while
Yesterday's toys you throw them all away you dont even stop to watch their paper hearts in the flames... This
I wrote the first two verses of this dark little slice of apocalyptica back in the early or mid 70's