3 little babies down on the floor 2 scared 2 cry 1 thing for sure Nothing means
    Thelma Lou The day that you came back to town he thought he'd be seein' you around he
I'm not much of a theologian. But I'm thinking boredom ticks off the Creator. I mean...as a minor failed poet,
  This new instrumental started out a s a goof, a rig test, and evolved into a sort of homage
Back to Work, You Slide guitar instrumental. http://www.archive.org/download/20061115_AYoS_TKMajor_BackToWorkYou/2006-11-08-2_AYoS_Back_to_Work_You.mp3 Internet Archive page for this recording
Shutdown. Not collapse. Not breakdown... shutdown. A nice, calm cessation of feeling. For the duration... http://www.archive.org/download/TKMajor_Circuit_Breaker_20061109_AYoS/2006-11-09-3_AYoS_Circuit_Breaker.mp3 Internet Archive page for
  I walked along the aqueduct just before the dawn. The sun looked old and tired as it came up
[update 2006-11-11 - mp3 content corrected] "The true revolutionary is guided by love." - Che Guevara Nah... it's not one
      Nice day, today. Yep. http://www.archive.org/download/AWholeNotherNewMorningAYoS200611083/2006-11-08-3_AYoS_A_Whole_Nother_New_Morning.mp3 Internet Archive page for this recording
  It's Public Domain Sunday. I just declared it. So, today's entry is the traditional folk classic (or an abbreviated,