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Tipping points. They're like subway stations, I guess. If you miss one, it's gonna be a helluva ride back. And
He was terrified. He'd known her for years. They were best friends. Sometimes more. It was beyond complicated. He'd watched
As I mentioned when I posted the previous AYoS version of this song at the beginning of the year, I
There was a point when I realized the attractive, smart, funny young adults around me
Fate's a funny thing. I guess. previous AYoS version sept 22 A GIRL NAMED
Weren't we just talking (however briefly) about Fate? Once you give causality an inch, it seems, like ice-nine, to take
There was a time -- a while back, mind you -- when I was writing so many song lyrics that
If rich girls and poor boys didn't exist -- songwriters and novelists would pretty much have to invent them. Happily
Ain't nothin' wrong with me. I'm just a little... you know, moody. Anyone who has been
Passive aggressive. I always thought that had a kind of cool sound, conjuring images of a leather jacketed hoodlum leaning
I think of this as kind of a campfire song. This is my way of tying it into the
Well, I never actually had an ex-girlfriend turn federal witness against me. Could still happen, I suppose... I got
Sure... you can try to cash out your relationship to the tabloids... but the money from that is here
doll eyes [däl Iz] (slang) : the flat, lifeless eyes of a drug addict Internet Archive page 'songwriter
You want to talk about desecrating the flag of the United States of America? How about making it a
Storytellers and poets have twisted literature around the lonely figure of the fallen angel since people started telling stories.