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When I was a young man, it seemed to me that the problem with women was that they just weren't
Q Lately it seems like your AYoS posts have been increasingly late and increasingly brief. Where are all those goofy
I'm not the first drunk to suggest that he drank not to forget but to not care. I found that
Rivalry between siblings is the engine that drives a fair amount of literature and myth. When
Long ago (but not necessarily far away) I went out with an extremely intelligent, talented young woman who was, at
Ma Bell is back... After the Reagan administration broke oup the (once government sanctioned) AT&T telephone monopoly (to "lower telephone
I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. For a very... ah, never mind. And, besides, that was the damn rabbit, not
Must catch up... no time to chat now... previous AYoS version 19 Days Wake up pretty baby tell me
A Year of Songs Debut There was a period when I was damn glad to have a job in a
Another mythic she creature... half-goddess, half-vampire, and all woman... No, wait, that was Sister Monica at
Filler? Nature abhors a vacuum. Fill 'er up. solo acoustic guitar improvisation
You'll be better off without me. That's what I should have said. But what I usually said was...
A Year of Songs, April 17, 2006 A Head Full of Crazy and a Heart Full of Fire When I
I wonder what you see when you look thru me. I feel like a ghost
Enslaved by an angel I never knew a thing I strode across continents Now I cower beneath her wing
The sun was warm. Cherry blossom petals floated past them. His hand was in her back pocket and his nose