Category Archives: acoustic

Throw the bums out…

A Whole 'Nother New Morning

Since I’ve written before in this space about being an anti-war, environmentally concerned Republican (unnecessary war only benefits the arms dealers and a dead planet is bad for business — what’s hard to understand about that?) I figure it’s probably appropriate for me to announce some changes around here…

I wish the GOP was still the party of Lincoln, civil rights, and honest, responsible government. But that fantasy is unsustainable.

It’s not a perfect fit — but I’m now a Democrat. That’s right, a capital-D Democrat.

And, like a lot of folks walking away from my former party, I’ve been drawn steadily to the new guy.

Not only is he likable — he’s whip smart and serious in a way that seems to elevate the dialog away from the same old do-anything-say-anything-to-get-elected politics of his closest rival for his party’s nomination.

Do I have qualms? Sure, I’m a fiscal conservative and he’s… well… he’s kind of a progressive.

But when’s the last time there was a genuine fiscal conservative Republican in the White House? That would be… not in my half-century-plus of memory. No, the Republicans who’ve crossed that threshold have been, by and large, disgraceful spend-and-borrow profligates and any cursory investigation of the ups and downs of US deficits and total debt will throw that into stark and unmistakable relief.

And those Republican spendthrifts have by and large thrown away the money enriching their cronies and donors — often as not on weapons systems that do not work as advertised and erode the security of the U.S.

So, while I’d certainly be more comfortable if someone, somewhere was promising smaller budgets — and might actually be counted on to deliver them (ah, there’s always the rub) — I’m actually more comfortable with someone who wants to put his spending to use in actually improving the lot of U.S. citizens instead of greedy, corrupt warmongering arms makers.

I’m voting for Obama, today.

A Whole ‘Nother New Morning

Internet Archive page for this recording


You’re new round here…

Don't Let Dee Dee Dog You 'Round

There were few men in town, straight or gay, who hadn’t played the fool for Dee Dee at least a couple of times.

She’d married thrice and buried three husbands by the age of 43. There wasn’t the slightest hint — or even possibility — of foul play in the deaths of her husbands — but it made you think.

Or it should have.

Still, men fell under Dee Dee’s spell. She lined ’em up and knocked ’em over and the guys just got back in line to have her do it again. Other women would watch it happen, shake their heads. Watch it happen again.

A guy would see it happen to his buddy and tell himself, well, the sucker asked for it, what do you expect, it’s Dee Dee — and then Dee Dee would turn to him with her eyes opening up like crazy, empty mineshafts and the next thing he knew he was signing over the pink slip to his F750 and borrowing against his life insurance to loan her the money for an operation for her beloved grandmother. Even though he paid for grandma’s funeral two years ago. And attended it.

Don’t Let Dee Dee Dog You ‘Round

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previous versions
Monday, October 10, 2005
Friday, April 14, 2006
produced version

Don’t Let Dee Dee Dog You ‘Round

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
If you knew her old tricks you’d haul yer bones outta town
Let me share the wisdom that the pack has found
don’t let Dee Dee — dog you ’round

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
Don’t let Dee drag you down

You’re new round here
so let me clue you in
there’s a firestorm of trouble
you’re about to jump in
her name is Deborah Dale
won’t wanna hear that again
‘Cause Dee Dee means danger — and damnable sin

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
Don’t let Dee drag you down

We all ’round here we’ve seen it before
we pretty much know what you’ve got in store
she’ll rip out your heart and tear up your soul
there ain’t a man here in town that she can’t control
–all the same, we all love Deborah Dale

In the trailer parks
and the liquor stores
in the strip mall lounges
‘midst the strip mall mores
one light shines above all the rest
its the same flame that draws
the moths to their deaths

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
Don’t let Dee drag you down

A fool and his money are soon famous round here
and the vampires have radar for a fool full of beer
most suck out your money then they leave you alone
but Dee Dee don’t stop til she’s drained out your soul

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
Don’t let Dee drag you down

We all ’round here we’ve seen it before
we pretty much know what you’ve got in store
she’ll rip out your heart and tear up your soul
there ain’t a man here in town that she can’t control
–all the same, we all love Deborah Dale

(C)1996,2008, TK Major


This Song’s About My Baby

This Song's About My Baby

This song came about in response to an informal competition in an online songwriter’s workshop.

Contestants are to submit a newly written song along with a one line description of the subject of the song.

The winner gets his song in rotation in the stereo of the family car of the guy who conceived the competition. This is primarily for the amusement of his children, who like to get one line summaries of what each song they hear is about. (Example per Dad: “Warren Zevon, ‘Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner’- This song is about a soldier who gets killed and comes back without his head.”)

The title of this song, of course, is disingenuous.

This song is actually about… this song.

And, of course, the songwriter. The songwriter in the song. The fictional songwriter.

This Song’s About My Baby

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This Song’s About My Baby

This song’s about my baby

This song’s about how I feel
This song’s not some fairy tale
This song’s about something real

This song is about
3 minutes long
It took twice that long
to write

This song is pretty
much a waste of time
and that pretty much sums up tonight

Hell that pretty much sums up my life
I’ve been writing the same song
since you said good bye
and I wrote it again tonight

This song’s about my baby
This song’s about how I feel
This song’s not some fairy tale
This song’s about something real

This song won’t
end no wars
this song won’t save the world
This song’s just
another song
about some guy who lost some girl

This song’s about my baby…

(C)2008, TK Major


There’s only one real forever…

Now, Baby, It's Never

There’s only one real forever,” he was saying, though he hoped she wasn’t listening.

And we passed that about 100 miles ago, he thought. But he didn’t say it.

It was someplace in Santa Maria County, the way he figured it. The place where they both realized the other knew it was over, no matter what.

They’d talked all night, driving down from Oregon. But no one had spoken in over an hour.

She turned away from the window slowly a few moments after he spoke and she looked at him. He turned his eyes back to the road.

“There are a million kinds of forever,” she said, finally. “But there’s only one kind of never.”

“Jesus,” he said. “That sounds like the lyrics to one of my crap songs.”

“You’re too hard on yourself.” She turned back to the window.

After a moment, she added, “And, besides, your crap songs are all you’ve got.”

Now, Baby, It’s Never

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previous versions
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Now, Baby, It’s Never

Everything you say
seems to mean goodby
Though we talked forever
I never did know why

Now baby its never
our time wont come again

This time forever baby

This time it’s the end

Tonight when you kissed me
it burned me to my soul
Everything I thought I knew
was all a lie I know

Now baby its never…

I walked along the aqueduct
just before the dawn
The sun looked old and tired as it came up
but at least the night was gone

Now baby its never…

(C)2007, TK Major
