This version of Heart seems often to teeter on the edge of falling apart (a not always successful balancing act that should not surprise AYoS fans). Still, I think I like it better than the previous version here from October, which was a bit faster.
There ain’t no heart
in my heart no more
I don’t know where it’s gone
but it’s gone for sure
Maybe it went with you
when you went out that door
but there just ain’t no heart
in my heart no more
i feel like giving up and maybe I should
I cant go on and I know it’s no good
There aint no meaning
in life any more
no there aint no heart
in my heart anymore
The end just means
we begin again
where did you say I signed
I’ve lived this life
one two many times
I don’t think I can take it twice
Too many loves
too many lies
too many broken lives
too much night
too little love and way too little love
and nothing to show for a life