Not Enough of Nothin' New song alert! Paradigms shift. Just as Californians get used to walking on constantly shifting tectonic plates, scientists -- the Superstition is where you find it... The search for cause and effect has not always been carried out with a rigorous methodology carefully crafted to return Doll-eyed again... She's Got Eyes Just Like a China Doll "Never trust a junkie." She'd told him that a million times... when How many times must I fall down? [Video] Q: What's up with all the vids? A: Get with it, jack. No one reads anymore. This is 2008. It's A Year of Songs Video Debut! One take improvised guitar composition with one take improvised solo... nothing special but a demonstration of how I put together Baby was a pistol way too hot to hold... He sat there. The phone was still in his hand. Finally he put the handset in the cradle. Outside, the The water's cold, the moon is pale... There had been a lot of women. At least by the standards of happy, well-adjusted people. That's how he figured Scared of livin', tired of dyin' The little house was boarded up. He wasn't sure what he'd expected to see. It was summer now and hotter Betrayer She was consumed. How could he? How dare he? Why did he do it? She thought she had him in Pretend We're in Love new song alert This new song started in a thread in a songwriting forum I participate in. Someone had asked « Previous 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 … 42 Next »