You wouldn't know it to look at me, now, but I used to run with the art damage
Baby was the ultimate be-careful-what-you-wish-for present. A pretty little Pandora's gift box of trouble that any red blooded young man
Who among us can resist the temptation to get maudlin and morose on Christmas Eve? And what can be sadder
If you've ever made love in a hayloft -- or tried -- you probably realize that the reason such scenes
This sardonic cautionary tale joins my earlier opus to dangerous dancing, "The Slam" (as yet unpresented on AYoS). One of
I guess every 22 year old singer-songwriter goes through a phase of writing about being a broken down middle-aged man.
      It was warm today and it's going to be warm tomorrow, in the 80s or even 90s,
The Winter Solstice on 21 December will mean A Year of Songs has passed its first season -- AYoS started
  It's been a long time since I've fallen in love drifting around in a rowboat. But it's a nice
One thing led to another. I had to write a song for a girl named Michelle as part of the