There was a time -- a while back, mind you -- when I was writing so many song lyrics that
Weren't we just talking (however briefly) about Fate? Once you give causality an inch, it seems, like ice-nine, to take
          Fate's a funny thing. I guess. previous AYoS version sept 22 A GIRL NAMED
          There was a point when I realized the attractive, smart, funny young adults around me
As I mentioned when I posted the previous AYoS version of this song at the beginning of the year, I
He was terrified. He'd known her for years. They were best friends. Sometimes more. It was beyond complicated. He'd watched
Tipping points. They're like subway stations, I guess. If you miss one, it's gonna be a helluva ride back. And
The sun was warm. Cherry blossom petals floated past them. His hand was in her back pocket and his nose
Enslaved by an angel I never knew a thing I strode across continents Now I cower beneath her wing
          I wonder what you see when you look thru me. I feel like a ghost