He waited. He didn't know why he was waiting. He didn't know what he was waiting for. But he was
I don't think I've ever posted a link to anyone else's music here before, I don't think, but I just
A thousand dreams. Gone, like that. All those things they'd planned, lying awake, moonlight through the window, in each other's
Writing about artshow openings and trendy gallery crawlers seemed like a good idea on a stifling hot Saturday night... I
Bold & Rational Men http://www.archive.org/download/TkMajor_boldAndRationalMenayos2007-08-08/2007-08-09_AYoS_Bold_and_Rational_Men.mp3 more stream & DL options previous versions Thursday, January 05, 2006 later versions June 13,
Partners will come and partners will go, waltzing off into the past. The music goes on long after we're gone.
That's Mars. There, in the picture to the left. And, yeah. That's a picture of a robot's shadow stretching across
OK. Responsible guys need songs of lust and yearning, too. (Not that I've ever been one but us songwriters like
Like Odysseus lashed to the mast, like Hefner sacrificing himself on the altar of satyrdom, he was driven to the
          What good is having free will... if you don't use it? Little Baby Doll http://www.archive.org/download/TKMajor_LittleBabyDoll_AYoS_20070628/2007-06-28_AYoS_Little_Baby_Doll.mp3