Category Archives: traditional

The Gospel Hour

In addition to writing songs, I also massacre classics…

Ten days from now, on the 2015 Autumnal Equinox, Wednesday, September 23,* A Year of Songs will be 10 years old.

We don’t want to give away too much, but let’s just say that we’ll** be cranking out new content, both music and microfiction, and doing a massive overhaul of the site to make it more streamlined. (In other words, we want it to work better on the stunted little mobile devices most of us now use to view the web.)

More details in coming days.


* Specifically the Fall Equinox will occur at 1:22 a.m. PDT here in coastal California.

** We habitually use the ‘royal’ we. We know it’s lame. We can’t help ourselves. Maybe we’ll try to quit in the next ten days… We’ll just have to see. Frankly, we’re not sanguine about our chances on that. Safety in imaginary numbers.
