Category Archives: microprose

Broken, Too

Broken, Too
new song alert

The girl sat sobbing in the shadow of the battered penthouse shed. He tried to catch his breath, bent over, his hands on his knees but keeping a wary eye on the girl, her legs sprawled outward beneath her.

She looked up at him, her face contorted and tears streaming down it. There was bottomless pleading in her eyes. He thought of all the frightened animals he had seen across the years and looked beyond her for just a moment to the darkened city beneath them.

Her sobbing slowed and he stiffened, readying himself.

He’d barely pulled her back from the edge the last time.

He considered socking her in the jaw, like they do in the movies but he’d never socked anyone in the jaw and he figured the one thing you could count on in real life was that violence is never the same as in the movies. He figured that either the blow would kill her or give her brain damage — or just make her crazier and harder to control.

He’d chased her to the roof of the old 12 story apartment house, a few paces behind her. She’d hesitated on the ledge and he grabbed her arm, hurling her back away from the edge of the roof.

For an impossible amount of time they had struggled. He tried to drag her to the doorway but it was impossible to get her through and down the stairs. In time her struggle against him turned into wracking sobs, her shoulders heaving. He pushed her down against the penthouse and tried to speak soothingly to her. She seemed oblivious to him.

And then she bolted for the edge.

He caught her as she scrambled up onto the ledge, cutting her bare arm on the exposed masonry. He could smell the blood that glistened on her arm and the ocean but all he could see was her against the night sky and all he could hear was his own blood pounding in his ears.

She was standing, swaying. The full moon seemed a distant observer. It should have looked huge, hovering above the horizon — but it looked tiny and far, far away.

For a moment he was frozen — then his mind went completely blank and he just grabbed her. He thought they were both dead.

But they weren’t.

Not this time.

Broken, Too

I want to help you, baby
but I just don’t know what to do

I tried to love you, baby
but I just couldn’t think for two

I thought I could save you
I thought love might pull us through

I thought I could fix things
but I found out I’m broken, too

I thought I could fix things
but I found out I’m broken, too

I want to help you baby
but I just don’t know what to do

I thought I could fix things
but I found out I’m broken, too

I thought I could fix things
but I found out I’m broken, too

(C)2008, TK Major


Near London Bridge

Near London Bridge

Tower Bridge, near London Bridge

He was moping in a pub near the boring, real London Bridge and he finally stumbled out into the slanting daylight late in the afternoon.

His girlfriend, scratch that, ex-girlfriend, had flown back to LA the day before, leaving him with a half deck of traveler’s checks, some of her underwear and nylons (overflow from her own overlarge suitcases that she’d stuffed in his much smaller case) and a digital camera full of pictures of said ex-girlfriend posing in front of a series of British landmarks.

Near London Bridge

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mandolin and guitar

This slip of an improvisation came about as a result of the combination of my recent return to the drone style tuning I was using earlier this year with my continued plinking on my new 50 dollar mandolin.

The title came about when I stumbled onto a bit of the melody from the old London Bridge is falling down nursery rhyme. (Which is the only way I ever play any recognizable melody… heaven knows if I tried I couldn’t do it… my brain simply doesn’t work like that.)

Anyway, I thought this wasn’t entirely without charm…

She managed a jaunty smile in the early snaps, but by the end of the series, any pretense of pleasure or even patience had plainly left her face and in the last few pics, she was giving him that look. He snapped the picture just before she raised her finger at him from in front of the British Museum. After that, he didn’t take any more pictures. After that, it was only a matter of time before one or the both of them left early. Neither of them had enjoyed much since the first few nights — but he was determined that somehow, with her gone, he would. Waiting her out wasn’t that difficult. He kissed her on the cheek at the airport, leaving her in a waiting area long before boarding.

Outside the pub, he decided to walk along toward the Tower Bridge. When he got there, he wandered around the tiny marina off St Katharine’s Way. It was starting to drift into darkness and as he walked across the Tower Bridge, the lights were on and just starting to shimmer in the river.

At first, all he saw of the girl was her eyes — even though she was 15 feet away and gathering dusk should have dimmed the light reflected in them. Maybe they picked up the last light from the sky. They glowed with a deep, green glow. Like he imagined an emerald must look. Her hair was dark and reddish brown, freckles across her cheeks. She was looking past him but as she neared him, in the last few feet before they passed each other, her eyes moved to meet his.

Consciously, he began to look away but just as his eyes began to dart to the side, he looked again — and fell, like a lost boy down a well, into her eyes. For a moment he was in free fall. It wasn’t even a full second but it seemed to go on forever as his heart pounded slowly in his ears. At the last instant, just before she passed him, she smiled, a faint, shy, schoolgirl’s smile.

It was too late for him to smile and, for a moment, he walked, his gaze frozen forward. Then, as casually as he possibly could, in the most offhand manner manageable by a man whose heart was beating like he’d just turned in his best ever 100 meter dash, he looked back over his shoulder.

The sky was darkening and clouds, lit from behind, were stacking up across a deep blue sky, lights coming on, and flooding the century old bridge. On the walkway, the pedestrians quickened their pace a little. But the girl with the green eyes walked, not quite slowly, into the crowd and the darkness on the other side. Maybe she had turned to look back over her own shoulder at him in those first moments after they’d passed — while he had stared mutely forward in disbelief. If she had, he’d never know. But, as he watched her disappear on the other shore, she never looked back.

Near London Bridge
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Near London Bridge
(C)2008, TK Major


There’s only one real forever…

Now, Baby, It's Never

There’s only one real forever,” he was saying, though he hoped she wasn’t listening.

And we passed that about 100 miles ago, he thought. But he didn’t say it.

It was someplace in Santa Maria County, the way he figured it. The place where they both realized the other knew it was over, no matter what.

They’d talked all night, driving down from Oregon. But no one had spoken in over an hour.

She turned away from the window slowly a few moments after he spoke and she looked at him. He turned his eyes back to the road.

“There are a million kinds of forever,” she said, finally. “But there’s only one kind of never.”

“Jesus,” he said. “That sounds like the lyrics to one of my crap songs.”

“You’re too hard on yourself.” She turned back to the window.

After a moment, she added, “And, besides, your crap songs are all you’ve got.”

Now, Baby, It’s Never

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previous versions
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Now, Baby, It’s Never

Everything you say
seems to mean goodby
Though we talked forever
I never did know why

Now baby its never
our time wont come again

This time forever baby

This time it’s the end

Tonight when you kissed me
it burned me to my soul
Everything I thought I knew
was all a lie I know

Now baby its never…

I walked along the aqueduct
just before the dawn
The sun looked old and tired as it came up
but at least the night was gone

Now baby its never…

(C)2007, TK Major


Just a foolish game…

World of Lies

Sometimes you wake up from a dream where everything has gone right… mistakes not made, chances not thrown away, love not lost…

Yeah, well… that’s dreamin’ for ya…

The beautiful spring morning you wake up to in the dream turns out to be an icy bedroom at 4 in the morning, sweaty covers kicked off and now too clammy and cold to pull up even as the spring morning slips away in whisps like smoke from an extinguished candle.

And it’s still two hours until dawn.

You close your eyes, afraid to dream — afraid to have it all only to lose it once again.

World of Lies

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previous versions
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunday, August 06, 2006

World of Lies

Meet me in the world of lies
meet me in the world of lies
let’s be hypnotized
meet me in the world of lies

You know that love is just a foolish game
Love always fades away
I know that you won’t stay
but at least you’re hear today

Meet me in the world of lies
let’s be hypnotized
Something in me dies
everytime a dream slips by

I know that I’ll always be alone
I know life is just to die
a wise man gives up the world
but I guess I’m just not that wise

Meet me in the world of lies
let’s be hypnotized
Don’t let this dream die
meet me in the world of lies

Summer 1983
(C)2007, TK Major
