Category Archives: commentary

Love will fool you… love can kill you…
Love is both a many splendoured thing and a royal PITA, not necessarily in that order, as everyone who’s been paying attention knows by now.
That’s the nominal excuse for this song — but the real deal is just that I wanted to write a song with two then-trendy girls’ names in the title — which was originally “Amber Said Hello When Ashley Said Goodbye.” But that wouldn’t fit in the song database of the old so it got cut down to size back in the heady days leading up to the millennial odometer flip.
Today’s song is available as both a streaming YouTube video as well as a downloadable or streamable Mp3. And there are even more download and streaming options available (see the more stream & DL options in the inset to the right).
previous versions
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
When Ashley Said Goodbye
Amber said hello when Ashley said good-bye
I said hold on but there’s no wondering why
when love wants in, love can knock down your door
I said Amber, I think this is forever
she said baby youre yanking on my tether
when all is said and done love will even up the score
Love will fool ya love can kill ya
love is all that love can give ya
and still you keep crawling back for more
love is funny; love is cruel
love’ll make Einstein act just like a fool
love’ll make a tomcat dive in-a swimmin’ pool
All these toys all these games
all these pretty dollhouses going up in flames
if you play around enough you know you’re gonna get burned
Love will fool ya love can kill ya
love is all that love can give ya
and still you keep crawling back for more
(C)2008, TK Major

On a Monday morning…
You know the old saw about the mechanic driving the smoke-belching, beat up, barely running car… As a database guy in real life, you’d think I’d be more on top of my own IT…
But until recently I’d been using a highly informal matrix of data queries, guesswork, and eyeballing to figure out which of my ~150 songs was most due for a new, improved version — or at least a shot at one — here in AYoS.
But I finally broke down and used some of the handy dandy aggregate query functions that Bill Gates kindly hammered into my local DB manager, Access, and set up a kind of one-stop for quickly spotting songs that had only been done once or twice and/or which had never had a version score high in my idiosyncratic personal rating system (which is currently hidden from your sight, thank you very much).
Without Warning
Even though this song, “Without Warning Blues” goes back at least a few decades, a reasonable performance had so far escaped me. This one just barely clears my rather low bar.
Without Warning
You came without warning
on a monday morning
the day was all shot through
by shadows from the past
afterimages of the last
time that I was with you
and it didn’t take nothing
to see that I was something
that you just had to do
Well it mighta been right
on a Monday night
to release a little energy with you
— it mighta been right
in the end it came down to you
And I didn’t mean maybe
when I put it to you baby
There’s just time space and nothing more
But instead of pain
we could have pleasure again
just like before you heard about the fall
so when you come come
come come come around me
please take some form
take some from I can see
Well ghosts are fine
but I like some flesh on mine
Ya can’t steal my love
Ya can’t have my love for free
Copyright 1974
T.K. Major
(C)2008, TK Major
A Thousand Lies (Bridge to Nowhere)
The best liars don’t really need a reason.
They’re glib. They’re creative. They enjoy lying.
They’re not sociopaths… clinically speaking. They have feelings, stirrings of empathy; they indulge in sentimentalism and symbolic emotionalism… in fact, it’s the language they speak… all too fluently, at times.
Special YouTube Version— A tribute to Warhol’s epic, “Empire”
The delight they take in their lies helps sustain them. It invigorates them. In a very real way, their lies give meaning to their lives.
Because they lie from the inside, out.
In a way, the skein of interlocking lies that lace their lives, is their lives.
They lie to themseslves even though they are perfectly aware they’re lying. Their lies are simultaneously excuses and self-entertainments, creative endeavors that provide endless hours of diversion and delight.
And… sometimes… they become politicians.
A Thousand Lies (Bridge to Nowhere)
I’ve got a thousand lies
I can’t wait to tell you
I’ve got a bridge to nowhere
I know I could sell you
I’ve got a real nice dream
as phony as hell
you know it’s all a
part of the game
I know the rules
I’m making them up
anything that works
just to stay on top
I don’t care who
else takes the drop
’cause it’s all a
part of the game
tell a lie often enough
people forget
where the truth leaves off
but sometimes that truth
can be pretty roughand usually the truth
is just not enough
besides it’s all a part of the game
I’ve got a reason
for all that I do
life’s got a meaning
I’ll explain it to you
it’s all about me
it’s not about you and
it’s all a part of the game
(C)2008, TK Major