new song alert
This new song started in a thread in a songwriting forum I participate in.
Someone had asked about “Tricks for writing love song?” and a couple of people suggested falling in love.
Taking a more practical tack, I had written:
I was gonna say, pretend you’re in love.
When I’m in love, I can’t write. I can’t think straight. All I can do is moon around and, you know, obsess…
Er…if memory serves.
Pretend We’re in Love
And one of the other people writing in the thread said, “[S]ounds like a great start to a love song to me!”
After thinking about it a minute, I thought, yeah… why not?
I posted the lyrics about 30 minutes later and had a link to this recording up within a little over 90 minutes.
Then, again, it ain’t exactly “Desolation Row,” either.
Pretend We’re in Love
I was gonna say
Pretend we’re in love
I was gonna make a joke
I was going to wait for the laughter to come
but I was going to hope against hope
I was going to smile and look far away
I was going to be aloof
I was going to act like it’s all a big game
anything pretense but the truth
I was gonna say, Did you ever dream about
running away some where?
Some day you and me maybe we could dream
about running away some where…
I was going to smile and look far away
I was going to be aloof
I was going to act like it’s all a big game
anything pretense but the truth
But I just can’t pretend I don’t love you
04-01-2008 at 10:01 PM
(C)2008, TK Major
Only – but this is rare – when a beloved hand is laid in ours, when, jaded with the rush and glare of the interminable hours, our eyes can in another’s eyes read clear, when our world-deafened ear is by the tones of a loved voice caressed – a bolt is shot back somewhere in our breast, and a lost pulse of feeling stirs again; the eye sinks inward, and the heart lies plain, and what we mean, we say, and what we would, we know. A man becomes aware of his life’s flow…Matthew Arnold