Monthly Archives: December 2005

Now, Baby, It’s Never

Now, Baby, It's Never

I‘ve got a sixth sense for when things are over. Little things like the suitcase on the lawn, changed locks, restraining orders. There are subtle signs a man of the world can pick up. Call it a vibe if you will.

One of those things is the icey kiss.

For my generation, one of the most famous is the scene coming out of the tunnel in the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

That kiss is burned into my consciousness. It’s a scene of exquisite subtlety. A single arched eyebrow reveals that the heroine is, for all purposes, dead, her body taken over by an unfeeling alien. Ah… it really speaks to me — for me, really…

Anyhow, in this song, I was going for that moment of shock — a kiss that reveals everything the hero of the song knows is wrong, that burns him to his soul. A kiss that makes a mockery of love. Or something. Actually, I just wanted to write a song with the word aqueduct in it. And I think I’ve succeeded. Success is all about setting attainable goals.

Now, Baby It’s Never

Everything you say
seems to mean goodbye
Though we talked forever
I never did know why

Now baby its never
our time wont come again
This time forever baby
This time it’s the end

Tonight when I kissed you
it burned me to my soul
Everything I thought I knew
was all a lie I know

Now baby its never…

I walked along the aqueduct
just before the dawn
The sun looked old and tired as it came up
but at least the night was gone

Now baby its never
our time wont come again
This time forever baby
This time it’s the end

(C)1991, TK Major


So, How Does It Look from the Stars?

So, How Does It Look from the Stars 


The sweat stung his eyes as he wiped his forearm across his grimy brow, shifted his weight to the broom he’d been using to sweep in front of the little bodega, and looked up toward the 7th floor penthouse terrace.

For a few moments that steamy summer night, the city was quiet and he heard melodic laughter skitter across the rippled surface of some subdued piano jazz. It sounded like a real piano and he knew from delivering there once that they had a big white one shaped like an ocean wave.

A handful of people drifted out to the edge of the terrace and he saw her once again. She leaned back against the terrace wall as she seemed to listen to someone he couldn’t see, her pale hair drifting in the summer air as though in the languid waters of a rowing pond.

In the apartment over the bodega, he could hear his kid sister suddenly rolling through the city’s radio stations on her big old portable aimlessly, looking for somewhere she’d never been before.

(C)2001, TK Major

So, How Does It Look from the Stars?

I’ve been up to your penthouse but
I… I was afraid to look down
I’ve been all around the world
but I’m only at home on my own side of town

I’ve been up all night
trying to find
the right way to come down
I been inside out and I know all about
the emptiness all around

everything happens for reasons
but we never get to find out what they are
from way down here it all looks pretty big
so how does it look from the stars

you laid it all out
and I wanted so much
to just pick up
what you put down

I can taste it right now
but still somehow
I’ve finally found
the power to shine on

everything happens for reasons
but we never get to find out what they are
from way down here it all looks pretty big
so how does it look from the stars

(C) 2001 TK Major

[full version on Soundclick | requires Flash]

Fans of this song take note: this is among the songs I plan on revisitng a time or two during AYoS, so I hope you won’t feel shortchanged by the not-quite-there version above or by my reprinting the vignette I wrote in 2001 to promo the online release of the ‘studio version’ of the song.

In fact, next time, I plan on writing a bit about Dead End, the play (and movie) that helped inspire this song. Recently, I was lucky enough to see a big budget revival of the stage play and it was pretty amazing. Think looming, chaotic tenement stage set and — get this — a wharf over a huge tank standing in for the East River. Anyhow, that’s next time.

By the way, if you listen to any of the studio versions of AYoS songs, I would recommend you listen to this one (or perhaps the studio version of “Baby, I Just Got the Blues“). If you’re not familiar with my (one man) band one blue nine, you may be surprised.


JoZynn, JoZynn

All is forgiven if you just come back again, JoZynn, JoZynn


Unlike the guy in this song, I’ve never had any kids. And, though a few girlfriends have abandoned me pretty good (I have been dropped by the side of the road in a strange town)… no one has ever left me with 3 crying, scared babies.

Well… I did have a bunch of cats, but their mom stuck around. Of course, she was much more trouble than her kittens were. Anyhow, where was I?

Oh yeah. I don’t know where this stuff comes from. Well… in this case, I was starting from my own exotic spelling of a girl’s name, as part of my self-commissioned Barista Cycle Project, the source of a handful of AYoS songs, so far.

The girl whose name inspired this song could not have been less like the “JoZynn” in my song. She was a grad student in something like 17th century British literature, kind of quiet, quite sharp, with a sly and sophisticated sense of humor. As I was recasting the spelling of the name, I searched for something that would grab the essence of the trailer trash bad girlfriend/worse mom anti-heroine of the song… I happened to have seen a tricked out Z28 Camarro, just the kind of thing my JoZynn would zoom off in with her new boyfriend…

Jozynn, Jozynn

JoZynn JoZynn
JoZynn JoZynn
look at the mess that you’re leaving me in
JoZynn JoZynn

JoZynn JoZynn
all is forgiven
come back again

3 little babies down on the floor
2 scared 2 cry
1 thing for sure
Nothing means nothing anymore
except those kids
JoZynn JoZynn

JoZynn JoZynn…

All this time you been away
it’s nothing to me
it’s just be a day
if you just come back again

JoZynn JoZynn…

3 lonely kids
1 angry man
2 hurt 2 cry
for God’s sake woman there’s
a million things
you’ll never understand
JoZynn JoZynn

JoZynn JoZynn
JoZynn JoZynn
look at the mess that you’re leaving me in
JoZynn JoZynn

(C)1996, TK Major


Head Full of Crazy, Heart Full of Fire

Head Full of Crazy, Heart Full of Fire


Just about every time I ever sang this song in front of people I know, someone has laughed out loud at the line, “I work all day and I sweat in the sun”…

Fair enough. The song is certainly not autobiographical.

And there’s certainly more than a little whimsy.

But, you know… there’s just a little bit of truth in it. Maybe it does take a real man to tell his girl no.


[Warning: there are some technical difficulties with this recording… but the performance was so breathtaking… no, that’s a lie. It’s a typical slapdash performance. It was just that the clock was ticking and I needed to get this up and get on with life.]

Head Full of Crazy, Heart Full of Fire

When I see you
and I look in your eyes
I get a head full of crazy
and a heart full of fire
but I cant talk about it
and I cant act on it
and I couldnt really stop it
even if I wanted
I’m tellin you so that you understand
that’s what it’s like to be a man

I work all day and
I sweat in the sun
I’ll work all by life
and I’ll die when it’s done
but if I had you
to sleep by my side
if I had you
to be my bride
if I had you
I’d be glad to be a man

Now I know that you
would really like to stay
but I have responsiblities
that must come into play
I must think of what’s right
— what’s right for you
When his girl loses her head
— a man’s gotta think for two
but that’s what it’s like
that’s what its like to be a man

(C)1990, TK Major
