Tag Archives: celebrity love

Too Much Trouble Christine (v.3)


Christine on a beach
Christine on a plane
Christine in a cafe with the boulevardiers…

Honest to gosh, I know I’m not supposed to say this, but I like the previous AYoS version of Too Much Trouble better. Not every fire breathing rocker works with the up close, sensitive, slow treatment.

You’re Too Much Trouble, Christine

You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
So Why do I love you, Christine

You’re too much trouble, Christine

Christine on a beach, Christine on a plane
Christine in a cafe with the boulevardiers
Christine on the set Christine in my head
Christine in my heart and tearing up my bed

You’re too much trouble, Christine…

Christine I’m terrified just holding your hand
Christine you twist me up like no one else can
Christine you’re crazy but you got a plan
world domination begins with one man

You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
So Why do I love you, Christine

You’re too much trouble, Christine


I’m Gonna Write a Soap Opera

I'm Gonna Write a Soap Opera



 Why tell your story to the tabloids and settle for a one time payout and a little cheap notoriety?

With a properly jaundiced eye and a flexible sense of ethics, you might just parlay an interesting set of friends into an ongoing paycheck.

I’m Gonna Write a Soap Opera

I’m gonna write a soap opera
you’re gonna be the heroine
I’m gonna show the world just how ya think
I’m gonna write a soap opera
I won’t have to make up a thing
When we get the ratings back
you know I’ll take you out for a drink

I’ll get a famous model
to play your part for you
I was gonna ask you but you’re always busy
We’ll get a famous model
I know she’ll do real good, too
When the plot gets thick
She’ll be skinny enough to wriggle through

I’m gonna sell the rights
everywhere I can
there’ll be games and dolls and underwear
I’m gonna sell the rights
I suggest you buy up while you can
I said I’d make you famous
I think by now you understand

(C)1990, TK Major
