Category Archives: commentary

America Redux

This Used to Be AmericaSpecial Holiday Encore
0riginally posted October 15, 2007

Preachin’ democracy…

It’s still preachin’. With all that entails. Maybe it’s because I’ve been spending so much time listening to country, mountain, and rural gospel lately. They ain’t afraid of no preachin’….

Anyway, when the phrase “This used to be America”* came to my lips the other day (in one of those listening-to-the-news-too-much rants my cat is getting used to) I sat down to write what I hoped might be some classic agitprop… I don’t think I actually got there… and I wasn’t actually going to let this out of the work folder but, I dunno, I listened to it this morning and thought, shoot, I’m feeling this. I’m feeling it right now.

When the general once in charge of the US war on — excuse me, in — Iraq calls that catastrophic misadventure a “nightmare without end” — I figure there’s some wiggle room for a little Monday morning jeremiad from an aging, disillusioned US businessman (that would be, you know, me.)

This used to be America, you know.

But we could still be who we know we should be…
This Used to Be America

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This Used to Be America

This used to be America
This used to be the land of the free
This used to be the United States
but nothin’s like it used to be

we put ourselves in the hands of fools
threw our birthrights away
put the bottom line at the top of our world
let the god of greed hold sway

it takes 200,000 bullets
to kill one enemy
that what the DoD numbers say**
if you don’t count peripheral casualties

Americans don’t torture
We don’t kill recklessly
thats what the man in the white house says
that’s how we want it to be
but it’s gettin’ pretty hard to believe

blowback’s a bitch
but how could we know?
though our experts kept telling us so
we fed the tiger we got by the tail
and now we just can’t bear to let him go

This used to be America
This used to be the land of the free
but I swear it’s not too late
for the United states
we can still be who we know
we should be

(C)2007, TK Major

* When I googled the phrase — which I figured had certainly been in use before — I found it had been the working title for a book by…

** DOD – Department of Defense; this figure of 200,000 bullets for every enemy death in Afghanistan and Iraq is based on US Department of Defense estimates of enemy soldiers killed and the amount of ordnance used in training and combat. Yes… one FIFTH OF A MILLION BULLETS for every enemy soldier killed. Of course, this does not count “peripheral casualties” — for which estimates range from about 25,000- 30,000 (more than the number of enemy killed — this is the US government’s estimate) to as many as a 100,000. Of course, that does not include those who died unnecessarly from malnutrition, privation, and other war-related causes which some well-grounded studies have suggested range from 500,000 to one million extra deaths.


Superstition is where you find it…

Bold & Rational Men

The search for cause and effect has not always been carried out with a rigorous methodology carefully crafted to return reliable results.

Sometimes, folks make cognitive leaps that are breathtaking in their intuitive scope but are still just plain wack.

Many supposedly scientific westerners have elaborate personal systems of superstition which they keep separate from both their secular science and whatever formal religion they may choose to practice.

The supposedly hard-headed Chinese Communist ruling oligarchy picked the suposedly supremely lucky western calendar date of August 8, 2008 (8-8-8) to kick off the olympics. (8 is a lucky number in Chinese culture for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the it sounds like the word for prosper — not to mention that the characters for a double 8 resemble the popular shuang xi “double joy” design.)

Now, today’s date really had little or nothing to do with my picking this song for today’s post; I’ll admit it. If anything, I was thinking about an ongoing dialog I’ve been tentatively participating in regarding unfair prejudice against the religious.

Sometimes how one comes in on a contentious dialog depends on who has already staked out what position — and in what fashion — even if one’s own beliefs are all but immutable.

Normally I find myself lining up with those who profess to exalt rationalism and a scientific approach.

But all too often in some sectors these days, one finds those who claim adherence to scientific principles making irrational or unsupportable, often absolutist claims, flying far from the surly bonds of logic and fact.

Maybe, like beat dogs, some of us who’ve been subjected to one too many proselytic haranguement simply go nuts at the mention of religion; folks whose abreaction to repeated attempts to convert them to some religion or another have metastasized into a generalized scorn for anyone who dares entertain the idea that there might be something beyond this universe or something which transcends or perhaps informs our physical reality.

Even as science peels back layer after layer of how this universe works — revealing increasingly that the more we know, the more profound and strange the next questions become — some of these individuals cling to the notion that they know with absolute certainty that there is nothing beyond what we now see and think we know.

previous versions
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Friday, August 10, 2007

Bold & Rational Men
Bold and Rational Men

Come now y’ bold and rational men
and march y’ straight ahead
y’ fear not the fire of the dragon
nor the carrious teeth of death

And come now, lad
fear not the gods
you’ve often said we’re all alone
d’n’cha see your where your path must lie
straight into the unknowable
good speed now
you’re on your own

But wait now put your hand on the earth
and see where your life flows from
this good dark earth
is the mother of us all
y’know you are her son

and come and gaze into the sky
see how dark and deep
you are the prodigal lost in time
lost in a dream kept sleep

(C)1973, TK Major
(C)2008, TK Major


Pretend We’re in Love

Pretend We're in Love
new song alert

This new song started in a thread in a songwriting forum I participate in.

Someone had asked about “Tricks for writing love song?” and a couple of people suggested falling in love.

Taking a more practical tack, I had written:

I was gonna say, pretend you’re in love.

When I’m in love, I can’t write. I can’t think straight. All I can do is moon around and, you know, obsess…

Er…if memory serves.

And one of the other people writing in the thread said, “[S]ounds like a great start to a love song to me!”

After thinking about it a minute, I thought, yeah… why not?

I posted the lyrics about 30 minutes later and had a link to this recording up within a little over 90 minutes.

Then, again, it ain’t exactly “Desolation Row,” either.

Pretend We’re in Love

I was gonna say
Pretend we’re in love
I was gonna make a joke
I was going to wait for the laughter to come
but I was going to hope against hope

I was going to smile and look far away
I was going to be aloof
I was going to act like it’s all a big game
anything pretense but the truth

I was gonna say, Did you ever dream about
running away some where?
Some day you and me maybe we could dream
about running away some where…

I was going to smile and look far away
I was going to be aloof
I was going to act like it’s all a big game
anything pretense but the truth

But I just can’t pretend I don’t love you
04-01-2008 at 10:01 PM
(C)2008, TK Major


Throw the bums out…

A Whole 'Nother New Morning

Since I’ve written before in this space about being an anti-war, environmentally concerned Republican (unnecessary war only benefits the arms dealers and a dead planet is bad for business — what’s hard to understand about that?) I figure it’s probably appropriate for me to announce some changes around here…

I wish the GOP was still the party of Lincoln, civil rights, and honest, responsible government. But that fantasy is unsustainable.

It’s not a perfect fit — but I’m now a Democrat. That’s right, a capital-D Democrat.

And, like a lot of folks walking away from my former party, I’ve been drawn steadily to the new guy.

Not only is he likable — he’s whip smart and serious in a way that seems to elevate the dialog away from the same old do-anything-say-anything-to-get-elected politics of his closest rival for his party’s nomination.

Do I have qualms? Sure, I’m a fiscal conservative and he’s… well… he’s kind of a progressive.

But when’s the last time there was a genuine fiscal conservative Republican in the White House? That would be… not in my half-century-plus of memory. No, the Republicans who’ve crossed that threshold have been, by and large, disgraceful spend-and-borrow profligates and any cursory investigation of the ups and downs of US deficits and total debt will throw that into stark and unmistakable relief.

And those Republican spendthrifts have by and large thrown away the money enriching their cronies and donors — often as not on weapons systems that do not work as advertised and erode the security of the U.S.

So, while I’d certainly be more comfortable if someone, somewhere was promising smaller budgets — and might actually be counted on to deliver them (ah, there’s always the rub) — I’m actually more comfortable with someone who wants to put his spending to use in actually improving the lot of U.S. citizens instead of greedy, corrupt warmongering arms makers.

I’m voting for Obama, today.

A Whole ‘Nother New Morning

Internet Archive page for this recording
