Category Archives: acoustic

All Fools’ Day

Kingdom of Fools

3 newly recorded songs dedicated to The Fool…

I told my self
Life has no meaning
I told myself
I should stop dreaming
I told myself
I should stop being such a fool

Three songs about three different kinds of fools… [and let me hasten to point out that while All Fool’s day caught me off guard today with the startling news that Apple was leaving the home computer market, I must still have been subconsciously thinking ahead: yesterday’s song — which went up quite late last night — and is kind of interesting if I do say so myself — had the line: “…in the Idiot’s Guide to Love I must be listed in the back under ‘Fool’…”

Kingdom of Fools

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previous versions
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Kingdom of Fools
Ain’t no such thing
as too high to fall
aint no place so low
you can’t get there
if you crawl

Ain’t no bro’
so close you can’t play him down
’cause in the kingdom of Fools
only one can wear the crown

Ain’t no truth so pure
you can’t turn it to a lie
ain’t no love so deep
you can’t drain it ’til it’s dry

ain’t no flower so pretty
you can’t crush it to the ground
in the Kingdom of Fools
only one can wear the crown

Ain’t no lie
that can ever make you see the truth
and your whole life ’til now
is just so much living proof

Ain’t no one but you
can keep you from where you’re bound
‘Cause in the Kingdom of Fools
Only one can wear the crown

(C)2007, TK Major


No Fool

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previous versions
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Friday, February 24, 2006
Friday, January 26, 2007

No Fool

Sitting all alone
by my telephone
Waited all day
but that’s okay
I could wait all night
and that would be all right
for a woman like you
I would wait all my life

Sometimes I pull myself together
and I go downtown
I’m all dressed up
and I wander around
and I feel like a fool
I can’t stop thinking of you
When you’re all alone
this city’s so cruel

I walk along the river
until the stars come out
I sit by myself alone in the dark
and I wonder
Oh yes I wonder
I’m just like a child
but I am no fool
I know it’s over

(C)1980, TK Major

(C)2007, TK Major


I Should Stop Being Such a Fool

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previous versions
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday, January 26, 2007

I Should Stop Being Such a Fool

I told my self
Life has no meaning
I told myself
I should stop dreaming
I told myself
I should stop being such a fool

I told myself
love’s just a lie
I told myself
I should get wise
I told myself
being kind is just being cruel

Lookin in my heart
was like lookin’ in a well
and if there was a bottom
you couldn’t really tell
as dark as midnight
all the way down to hell
one day I looked in
and then I just fell

Then I looked in my soul
and I saw that it was empty
and I said to myself
just like the rest of them
and i said out loud
from here on
it’s all ’bout number one

But I added that up
and I factored in forever
I subtracted my dreams then
divided that by never
When I saw the bottom line
I sat down — I knew that
I was done

Lookin in my heart…

Back then I told my self
Life has no meaning
And I told myself
I should stop dreaming
Then I told myself
I should stop being such a fool

But then I thought to myself
what’s it all for?
and I thought to myself
must be something more
and I realized all at once
there’s more than one kind of fool

(C) 2006, TK Major
(C)2007, TK Major


If I sleep I might dream…

Baby, I Just Got the Blues

You could start out drinking in a trucker bar on West Anaheim Street in Long Beach, end up closing a bar in Bakersfield and still find yourself driving back into downtown LA with an hour to spare before dawn…

What to do with your time?

About this version: I’d been meaning to drag my laptop and a mic over to my buddy Kurt’s house for a long time and something like this version of this song would have been a good candidate for a bongo part by the intuitive and adaptive percussionist.

My own sub-beach party overdub on the recording below can only hint at what might have been if I’d just got my ass in gear…

Carpe that diem, baby.

Baby, I Just Got the Blues

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previous AYoS versions
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Baby, I Just Got the Blues

I drive around all night
looking for nothing to do
I play guitar til dawn
but every song’s about you
if I sleep I might dream
and we all know that dreams don’t come true

Ain’t nothin wrong with me baby
I just got the blues

walked along the shore
wondering what a smart guy would do
in the Idiot’s Guide to Love
I must be listed in the back under “fool”
sure once I had some answers
now I’d settle for some lies that sound true

Ain’t nothin wrong with me baby
I just got the blues

It’s easy for you sugar but then
everything’s easy for you
You know what you want
and you know how to make it come true
But, it’s hard for me, doll, to
bid all that we had adieu

Ain’t nothin wrong with me baby
I just got the blues
Ain’t nothin wrong with me baby
I just got the blues

(C)1998 TK Major

[full version on Soundclick | requires Flash]

(C)2007, TK Major


Man in the Bottle

Blue Recollection

I suppose you ought to know you’re in trouble when you realize you consider your daily dive into the soothing depths of the bottle to be somehow heroic.

But the truth is that I was not just a willful and enthusiastic drunk, I didn’t just romanticize drunken nescience — I exulted it as somehow emblematic of man’s struggle with his own weaker nature.

In those days — and for a long time after — I viewed my drinking as a badge of honor, like a wounded survivor proud of his crutch.

So, where you might see the protagonist of this song as, oh, say, for arguments sake, a pathetic loser, when I was writing it, I saw the guy as a tragic hero, battered and wounded, yet rising (through the haze of a thousand hangovers stretched end to end) to face the sysiphean ordeal of daily life…

He could give up.

But, somehow, he reaches deep inside himself to find that last bit of courage, reaches for his medicine, and goes on to face another day.

Blue Recollection

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previous versions
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Friday, April 07, 2006

Blue Recollection

Now the last thing I remember
You were walking out the door
My hand reached for the bottle
then there ain’t no more

you’re just a blue recollection
that ain’t nothin’ new
I been having trouble forgetting
to remember that I don’t still love you

I wake up at nite
but it ain’t because of you
I’m just listening to the plaster crack
and the clock tick in the next guy’s room

you’re just a blue recollection
that ain’t nothin’ new
I been having trouble forgetting
to remember that I don’t still love you

Now the last thing I remember
You were walking out the door
My hand reached for the bottle
then there ain’t no more…

(C)1987, 2007, TK Major


Goin’ Home (for Ben)

Goin' Home


My pals have been shuffling off this mortal coil faster than I can recover my equilibrium, here.

I guess I shouldn’t have been so surprised, Ben had been in the hospital a month or two ago with congestive heart failure. Still, though there’s not much about congestive heart failure that sounds like a walk in the park, it seemed like things were coming back together.

It looked like he’d even be going back to the work he loved: animation. He’d talked to Nickelodeon and it looked like they would be hiring him for a new project.

But it wasn’t to be.

Still, thing were looking up. He slipped into unconsciousness at his home and passed away not long after.


Damn, damn, damn.

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previous AYoS versons
Monday, March 6, 2006
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Goin’ Home

Wake up baby
turn your light down low…
I want ta see your pretty face
one more time before I go

They’re coming for me in the morning
coming to take me home…
When you see that light in the sky
that’s when you know I’m going home


When you see that light in the sky
that’s when you know I’m going home…
Don’t try to call me baby
cause they ain’t got no telephone

(C)1991, TK Major

