On Sundays, very early, you could sit in a certain spot in my old backyard, with a leafy canopy above you and the vine covered garage and overgrown yard before you, with the gentle sound of the little fountain* in the background and, for a little while, forget you were in the city. Kind of.
*Not the pond in the picture but the source of the background audio in the improvised guitar instrumental below.
It’s a truism oft-cited by motivational speakers and their ilk that walking is the process of falling forward with our weight on one foot and then suddenly shifting the other foot forward to catch ourselves… over and over. This is, of course, intended to show that there is no progress without risk, no movement without somehow defying gravity, if only momentarily.
At a certain point you get somewhere, even if the somewhere is right back around where you started from… but you’re wiser for the journey. Yeah… sure. Wiser and back on square one… having passed Go, having spent the 200 dollars you collected and maybe some rent from that place on Park Avenue you lucked into and then lost to the bank.
I wrote this song before I’d passed Go the first of many times… but I could see the shape of things and I kept looking for an out. The fairy tale option, maybe. The magic piece that would make the puzzle something you could hang on the wall and then somehow enjoy in contented satisfaction. There were some that almost looked like they might fit… but in the end, the jigsaw puzzle ended up scattered…
I knew it would never end up looking like the picture on the box…
In the course of events
I’ve seen my goals hanging just like a carrot in front of my nose
In the struggle for those higher attainments, hell,
I’ve been to the top
and I’ve seen the drop on the other side
And I don’t care if your money’s no good
I don’t care if both your legs are wood
I don’t care what your ma says to do
Just come away with me
It takes time to get where you want to go
and its never quite the same when you get there
but that doesn’t stop me cause there’s still a couple things
I’d like to try with you and you never can tell
it might work out all right
You can sit and talk about life all day
as much as you can talk your questions wont go away
it’s a conversation that leads me to say
just come away with me
I’ve been burned before
and I’ll get burned again
I guess that’s the same for everyone
I know what I need
I know what I want
I know what I get —
they don’t always correspond
You can sit and talk about life all day
as much as you can talk your questions wont go away
it’s a conversation that leads me to say
just come away with me