I gave up forever I gave up tomorrow for good I gave up thinkin' I could pull it
    3 little babies down on the floor 2 scared 2 cry 1 thing for sure Nothing means nothing
Sometimes a suddenly evident truth just reaches out, knocks you over the head and drags you to its cave. You
The version of Emily below borders on punk folk, at least in relation to how I normally play the song.
    I lay awake at night, baby but it ain't because of you I'm just listening to the plaster
I've got pain in my head and a fire in my loins and a whole lot of empty in my
In the first 224 or so years of the United States, we ran up an awe-inspiring 5,807,463,412,200.06 (5.8 trillion dollars)
You'd think it goes without saying to not hurl yourself off PA towers at at concerts yet I've seen folks
He woke up in a motel in Yuma looking at a cockroach. He couldn't remember exactly how he got there
          I know what promises mean today I don't care I believe in you anyway I