Nope... You really CAN'T get there from here. I remember a Sunday so long ago, the concept of Sunday was a new one... this special day when no A Land So Far Away NEW SONG ALERT! Written a few hours ago... It's not normally my practice to comment on the images that accompany Limbo Revoked Limbo...It always made so much sense to me.Not that I bought any of it, mind you. I'm just saying that Those Brahmin girls... Ah... those Brahmin girls... Always one step ahead of you even when you're both racing for Your cheatin' heart is gonna tell on you -- if that P.I. I hired doesn't bust you first Cheatin'... it ain't always pretty. Bad enough if it's with some jet set pretty boy or sweet talkin', movie star-handsome What...? Not this Old Beast again? War! What's it good for? Say it, say it, say it again... So... this song, below, is certainly not one All the way up... I was lookin' back Everybody there used to be somebody once... Everyone had a story. Some had been factory workers laid off from a It's easy to start thinking you're... you know... somebody It's easy to lose your perspective in this world. It's easy to start thinking you're... you know... somebody. Even though, All Fools' Day 3 newly recorded songs dedicated to The Fool... I told my self Life has no meaning I told myself I If I sleep I might dream... You could start out drinking in a trucker bar on West Anaheim Street in Long Beach, end up closing a « Previous 1 … 10 11 12 13 14 … 42 Next »