Thursday, October 05, 2006

Whatever was just happening...

Someone Was Watching

Someone was watching
I dont care what they saw
this terrible truth is a
secret all over the block...

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Internet Archive page for this recording
previous versions:
October 11, 2005
March 05, 2006

Someone Was Watching

someone was watching
I dont care what they saw
this terrible truth is a
secret all over the block

someone has fallen
someone can not get up
someone forgets what
someone was thinking of

now I don't know what's become of me
now I don't know what's become of me

toys sparkle in the sunshine
sixty-five years ago
I reach out and touch them
but it's not like I dont know

whatever was just happening
its all just like a dream
but this time I cant wake up
this time -- I can't even scream

now I don't know what's become of me
now I don't know what's become of me

(C) 1993, 2006, TK Major


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just recently discovered TK Major and find his expressions of the creative child/genius within to invoke a strange sense of familarity. Perhaps that's what an artist's passion is supposed to do. The sound of his voice is soothing,stimulating yet echoes an unclear message from the past. He weaves vivid and clear images with his delightful story-telling and Iadmire his courage to dive head-first into the wellspring of his/ our creative conciousness. I hope to hear alot more of his musical meanderings in the future. I thank him for helping me to get my head out of the past(or my ass) during a difficult time personally. Music heals because it's beautiful in sound and true in spirit. His music is not only a window into his own little personal universe but a mirror to the universal soul within us. I'm leaving the pity party and giving up my addiction to the pain.

4:26 PM  
Blogger TK Major said...

Thank you. That really, really means a lot to me.

(As someone, somewhere, has no doubt suggested before...) I don't presume to be able to shed much real light. The way I look at it, I'm just stumbling around in the dark, myself.

But by yelling "Ouch!" when I run into something painful, I hope I can be of some help. Or at least offer up a couple laughs at my own expense.

Either one seems worthwhile to me.

Anyway, thanks, again, for your generous comments. I know I probably seem remote and glamorous (that is a joke) but don't hesitate to email me:

7:45 PM

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