Saturday, March 25, 2006

Watch the sky go around... [Emily]

Emily [alternate version]

The version of Emily below borders on punk folk, at least in relation to how I normally play the song. This version is faster, edgier, looser... but it's still fingerpicked, midtempo. The neofauvist angle is more in the abandon of the vocals (translation: once again I throw aside my first GF's admonition that Effort is a sign of incomplete mastery.)

download [2.3 mb]
play [broadband]
AYoS radio [broadband]


On a lake
the faded yellow row boat
drifts in lazy circles
while I fall in love with you

Emily Emily
watch the sky go around
Emily Emily
watch the sky

Willows weep
tears melt in cool water
your white cotton dress
you warm brown legs
your deep green eyes

Emily Emily
watch the sky go around
Emily Emily
watch the sky

(C)1982, TK Major

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