World So Big

The world is so big
then again it's all so small...
I might be in your arms tomorrow night
or I might never make it home to you at all.
I wanted to suggest the self-exiled lover... consumed with yearning yet unwilling or unable to return home. Pride, fatalism, anger...
I knew a guy like that once. I worked with him for a short while here in Long Beach. He would talk about the family he left "to find work" years before, talk about them as though they were a thousand miles away, ten thousand. He'd never seen them again -- but he thought of them every day, wondered how his kids were. Wondered if his woman was with another man.
One day I asked him where he came from and I was surprised when he said, Long Beach.
So I asked him if he'd been traveling when he met the wife he'd left behind. He looked at me funny for a second. She lives in North Long Beach, he said.
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World So Big*
The world is so big
then again the world's so small...
I might be in your arms tomorrow night
or I might never make it home to you at all
true Love, baby, the bottom drops out
and then you fall...
It only happens one time baby
but if you're lucky maybe not at all
I could live a thousand lifetimes
I'd never forget a single one of your lies...
I could die a million times
ant the ghost of you would still draw me back to life
*name changed from "The World Is So Big" (9/25/2007)
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